Seea in Italy 2015 teaser video with Onde Nostre

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Onde Nostre presents Seea in Italy

A really amazing life-changing trip never gets stale in your memory — flipping back through the photos takes us there all over again. We've probably watched this first teaser video of our journey through Italy a million times already and hope that you can feel like you're right there with us when you watch it too.

Special thanks to cast and crew: Luca Merli, Natalia Resmini, Jenayl Peters, Mele Saili, Giovanni Sbrokked Barberis, Ale Ponzanelli, Naitsirc Tian, Betta Dal Bello, Enrico Gorrea, Amanda Chinchelli, Chimmy and Grandma.

Filmed in Sicily and Tuscany, with still photos by Onde Nostre. 

SEEA IN ITALY - 2015 Collection Teaser from funtemplates on Vimeo.

Mele and Jenayl. Photo by Onde Nostre.
Ahoy! Photo by Onde Nostre.
Amanda, Chimmy and Betta. Photo by Onde Nostre. 
Taking a break. Photo by Onde Nostre. 

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