Seaworthy Grand Opening

When we tell people there's a rad new surf shop coming to Carlsbad, they all say the same thing - "It's about time!" Located on State Street next door to the infamous Village Pub, Seaworthy is bound to be a welcome addition to the Carlsbad scene. 

Seea in good company - a great selection of quality brands
Yes, this is a surf shop...

and surfing in Summer requires a stylish suit! 

How many Hicks...
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Museum Quality Reading Seaworthy Grand Opening 2 minutes Next Seea in Nylon!!

When we tell people there's a rad new surf shop coming to Carlsbad, they all say the same thing - "It's about time!" Located on State Street next door to the infamous Village Pub, Seaworthy is bound to be a welcome addition to the Carlsbad scene. 

Seea in good company - a great selection of quality brands
Yes, this is a surf shop...

and surfing in Summer requires a stylish suit! 
How many Hicks brothers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Apparently a lot! 

"Seaworthy is our take on the classic neighborhood surf shop... with an emphasis on the essentials needed to do what we love, in the town we love to do it in" says co-owner and ringleader, Dayton Hicks. The Dayton brothers founded the shop with the intent to create a full service, surf-first environment, and to provide a social hub the for Carlsbad surf community, with access to best products from independent surf labels and quality brands.

Proud to be part of the initial Seaworthy offering, we look forward to great things from Seaworthy, and wish the Hicks brothers a successful first Summer on State street! If you are in Carlsbad this Saturday, stop in and check out the new digs. "Exotic sodas and cake" will be on hand starting at 6PM.

Seaworthy - Purveyors of Rad

2988 State Street, Carlsbad, CA

(760) 729-2060

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