Start em' young!

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Labor of Love Reading Start em' young! 1 minute Next Liquid Salt x Seea Giveaway

Sunshine and fun waves were on tap at San O over Easter weekend, so when our friends Ashley and Erik invited us out for an afternoon session / BBQ, we were stoked! Their daughter is about the cutest girl we know, and with surfing in her blood (Bill Stewart, grandpa), it came as no surprise that she brought her own board!

Ready to rip!!
Shaka muchachas! Ashely, Emianna, and Amanda share some afternoon aloha.

Although Stewart's Surf Shop has been around for over 30 years, Bill's daughter Ashley has recently become more involved in the family business, and is the driving force behind The Oasis, a new section of the store dedicated to women's clothing. An original Seea Babe, Ashley also moonlights as a model for Seea, and is an amazing friend, businesswomen, and mother.

Next time you're in Hamburg, stop by Stewart's and say hi! You may get lucky and meet this little ripper, too!

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Liquid Salt x Seea Giveaway

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Labor of Love

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