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How to Pack Your Surfboard Bag

How to Pack Your Surfboard Bag

No one wants to start their spring break on a low note, and there is nothing worse than arriving at...
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Self-Love: Shaper Ashley Lloyd on Surfing During Pregnancy and Through Motherhood

Self-Love: Shaper Ashley Lloyd on Surfing During Pregnancy and Through Motherhood

“It’s humbling what you can and can’t do as a pregnant woman,” Ashley Lloyd Thompson reflects. Even though she was surfing less,...
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Seeababes Guide to Bing Longboards

There is no one size fits all for surfboards but some of the Bing longboards come pretty darn close. Read...
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DIY: How to Repaint a Surfboard with Ashley Johnston

DIY: How to Repaint a Surfboard with Ashley Johnston

The sun-tinted, dented and dinged up longboard Ashley found at a garage sale had seen better days, but with a little...
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Best Bing and Furrow Surfboards for Summer Lady Gliding

Trying out surfboards can be like shopping for a swimsuit or jeans. You have to try on a lot of...
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World of Wavecraft with Crystal Fitzgerald and Leana Rack

What’s the best wavecraft to ride? The one that will be the most fun! The latest issue of Surfgirl magazine featured Seeababe Chrystal...
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Seea + Surfboards = Amazing Surfable Works of Art

The Furrow x Seea fish.  Think Seea’s signature elegant style applied to the uniquely graceful aesthetics of board design by...
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