We have a winner!

Recently we had some good, clean social-media fun, and gave away a new Seea Lady summer tank to one lucky winner. Selected at random (we promise!!), our winner Kelsey just happened to live nearby, so we invited her over last weekend for a quick visit.

Kelsey and Amanda checking out the new summer styles!
Cool ladies + free stuff = all smiles!
In a proper "best friend" moment, Kelsey even picked up a...
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Gypsy Wardrobe Reading We have a winner! 1 minute Next Labor of Love

Recently we had some good, clean social-media fun, and gave away a new Seea Lady summer tank to one lucky winner. Selected at random (we promise!!), our winner Kelsey just happened to live nearby, so we invited her over last weekend for a quick visit.

Kelsey and Amanda checking out the new summer styles!
Cool ladies + free stuff = all smiles!

In a proper "best friend" moment, Kelsey even picked up a couple extra Seea Lady tanks for her friends who also entered the giveaway, but weren't quite as lucky. Seriously, how rad is that?? Aside from having great taste in swimwear, Kelsey is cool and generous, too, which makes her tops in our book. 


Got a rad pic of your Seea suit you'd like to share? Send it to [email protected] and we'll get in touch!


Congrats again to Kelsey for winning our first giveaway, and be on the lookout for more giveaways coming soon!!

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